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Monday 25 May 2009

True charity .. (Small Story)

At the time of this incident, when the roof of the pilgrimage of the Jains was being restoration. In this work a Afi spending was going to come, so many people donated to find a match had gone. Seth and many rich people for good deeds to earn a donation with open arms were. Shortly after the list of the Danites was to be released. Like to know Seth, who was in the society Dhak, keep your name in the list above for more money deliberately were. Such that his name Seth were thinking at the top to see all of them will be Ntmstk of faith in society and will be cheering them.

After completion of the donation of the State Secretary of the pilgrimage to contribute to the restoration of the first name in the list of declared Bhima called workers, who earn their money, the seven were donated. Seth city the name of the first workers to go on Bhima expressed anger. Secretary pacify them by saying, 'King, I and my people, you - the part of your earnings to charity work, the Bhima, while the days of their wages in return for cash donations given in the seven met.

Blood flow from her seven-sweat money






Is able to stay anywhere on your money? Secretary of the mouth of all the rich people present to hear this and are ashamed Atmglani filled up. Seth in front of a worker Ntmstk Bhima and said, 'Yes, brother, in fact real then you are generous, we all lie to get respect and fame for charity, but you were donated in the spirit of devotion. Donation so we really nowhere to stay ahead of your donation. The entire state in a discussion of the contribution of labor Bhima spread.


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